Sunday, May 30, 2010

Happy Memorial Day 2010

Remembering our loved ones, gone but never forgotten.
I still continue to tell Trevor and Sophie stories about their grandfather Bill. Mark shares stories as well about his father Sam. We all feel cheated out of knowing these great men as the adults we now are....missing out on being able to ask their advice or share the joys of parenthood.
Stories keep our loved ones with....

I miss you Dad!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Our Favorite Beach!

We spent the day at Great Sand Bay just south of Copper Harbor.
This beautiful area is our favorite place to spend a day playing and relaxing in the sun.
Can't wait to return for a day of swimming!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Another school year under the belt for me....I'm looking forward to a fun summer with Mark and the kids. The kid's last day of school is June 8th.
Trevor's 8th grade class trip will be the following week. We are excited for him!

Lately we've been dreaming about a new home and we are hopeful for one we can call our own with a big backyard for Abby and plenty of space for entertaining! A big kitchen would be a dream!

I will post pictures soon as it's been a while since I've posted ones of Trevor, Sophie and little miss Abigail.
Happy Spring!!